Providing individual, couples and family counseling.
Individual Therapy
Treatment specialization includes:
- Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
- Eating Disorder Treatment
- Couples Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Parenting Support
- Grief Counseling
- Work and Career issues
- Stress Management
- Addiction & Recovery
- Conflict Resolution
Group Therapy & Classes
Group Therapy: The Daring Way & Rising Strong, based off of the work of Brene Brown. I am a Certified Daring Way Facilitator. This means that I have completed all of the education, training, and supervision through Brene Brown’s team. Group is open to individuals in therapy and for those who are not, but would like to gain increased perspective & change in the way they live their lives. For upcoming classes please contact me and I will get you a schedule & explain the logistics.
Group Summary:
The Daring Way™ helps us to identify and work with our vulnerabilities so we can become more authentic and live and love with our whole hearts. Dealing with disappointment, failures and falls is the focus of the Rising Strong™ class.